Create New Eye Chart

Type your message below using latin letters and numbers only. Try to make it at least 50 characters long so it fills up the chart nicely making it look more reliable.

Preview will appear below

Avoid punctuation marks, apostrophes and other non-letter chars as they will make the eye chart look suspicious. Also, don't make it too short - we need to fill that chart.


00M IfIha 00M

00M dadol 00M

00M larfo 00M

00M rever 00M

00M ytime 00M

00M Ithou 00M

00M ghtof 00M

00M youIw 00M

00M ouldb 00M

00M einah 00M

00M igher 00M

00M taxbr 00M

00M acket 00M

Type in at least 10 characters to preview chart

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We know, it's hard to come up with something satisfying just like that.

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